
The first initiative of the DEI Committee has been to draft a collaboration Code of Conduct.

One of our goal is to raise awareness on DEI matters within the collaboration and make it a part of our collaboration culture. See a list below of speakers invited at our collaboration meetings

We are gathering resources on existing DEI initiatives within collaborations/institutes to devise an action plan that can help our collaboration thrive at the EDI level and stay tuned with the best practices. We are planning on setting up a system through which we can analyze the impact of our actions, via for example annual surveys, regular tracking of distribution of talks and staffing of management positions etc.

We plan on putting particular emphasis on showcasing the work of early career researchers, provide resources for developing a mentoring network within the collaboration, as well as provide appropriate and anonymous channels to report issues within the collaboration.

List of DEI-speakers:

  • First Collaboration meeting Oct 2023 : Dr Elizabeth Litzler (UW) “Creating Inclusive Cultures in STEM”